How Ready Are Students For Live Learning Online?

Over the last few years, education has changed drastically. Classroom-based classes have been replaced by online learning techniques that allow for the flexibility of pre-recorded lessons and class meetings conducted using real-time videoconferencing software. These online methods may not be enough for students who prefer classrooms with real-time interaction.

Live online learning is a great alternative strategy to other online education strategies. It permits students and instructors to interact in real time via videoconferencing applications such as Zoom. These classes allow students to ask questions, resolve confusion and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Although live learning has many advantages, some students may have difficulty adjusting to the online learning format. This study examines student readiness for online learning and identifies the most important factors that impact this. The results reveal that major factors that affect the student’s readiness include motivation to learn through online communication, self-directed learning ability. Researchers also conducted a post-hoc study and multi-group analysis that compared gender differences between undergraduate and graduate students. The study revealed that postgraduates are better prepared for live learning than undergraduates and sub-degree students.

To ensure that students are prepared for an Live Session it is recommended that instructors provide clear expectations of what students must know and do before and after the session. It is important to provide additional resources, such as summaries or gist quizzes. Also outline, concept maps and study guides can be helpful. Additionally, instructors should develop activities that build on the lessons that students have learned on their own – for instance, review, practice, debating and analysing.

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