How to Run Effective Remote Board Meetings

Many organizations have realized that meetings held online require a different approach than traditional face-toface meetings when most boards were held remotely during the pandemic. Here are some best practices to help you run meetings more efficiently.

Begin with a solid agenda. A lack of organization could result in committee and board meetings to go off track. An agenda that has clearly defined timeframes for each topic helps keep the meeting focused. Also, allowing the attendees to design the agenda prior to the meeting is an excellent way to get participants early in the process and let them take charge of the meeting.

Make sure that all attendees are aware of the board portal and its features. The more comfortable that board members feel using the platform, the easier it is for them to take part in the meeting. It is also important that attendees test their audio and video gear before the meeting. Encourage them to test their equipment in a quiet, clean area free of distractions such as television and barking dogs.

Promote a culture of camaraderie when you meet online. Encourage everyone to share a little bit about themselves at the beginning of the meeting to build confidence among the group. Inquiring for feedback at the conclusion of the meeting will also increase board engagement and let board members know their opinions are valued.

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